Customize Logo and Cover Image

You can change the URL of the booking page to suit your brand and preferences.

PlanPro / Team
Customize Logo and Cover Image
Table of Contents
  • Target Audience
  • What is this feature?
  • Brand-Friendly Booking Experience
  • How to use

Target Audience

  • If you would like to change the design of the booking page
  • The cover image change for the booking page is available for Pro plan users.
  • Changing the team profile image is available for Pro plan users.  
  • The change of the header image of the booking page is available for Team plan users.

What is this feature?

Brand-Friendly Booking Experience

By placing the logo and catch image of the product or service offered on the booking page, you can make the action, such as when a customer requests a booking from your page, a uniformly designed user experience and increase conversions.

How to use

You can change it from the "Design" tab of the Edit Event Type Page.

スクリーンショット 2022-03-14 18.32.12

This can be changed from the team settings.

スクリーンショット 2022-03-14 18.26.30

Related Features

Custom design for your booking calendar
Custom design for your booking calendar

The display format of the appointment calendar can be changed to a user interface suitable for the intended use.

Customize Theme Colors
Customize Theme Colors

You can customize the theme color of the booking page to suit your brand and your preferences.