Follow up

You can set the number of messages you want to automatically send after the event, as well as the amount of time you want to send them.

Follow up
Table of Contents
  • Target Audience
  • What is this feature?
  • Automate follow-up with guests
  • Customize notifications to suit your guests
  • How to use

Target Audience

  • Those who want to automate booking management.

What is this feature?

Automate follow-up with guests

Follow-up emails are sent to guests when the time for the appointment approaches, and the timing of the email can be changed, such as after 1 hour, 30 minutes, etc.

Customize notifications to suit your guests

Follow-up text can be customized. You can send out messages tailored to your guests and the content of the implementation.

How to use

It can be set in the "Notifications & Privacy" section of the "Scheduling" tab of the Edit Event Type.

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